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2024 Book Publishing Trends and Promotion

Book publishing trends are constantly evolving as technology, consumer preferences, and market forces influence the industry. Based on the web search results from Bing, some of the latest book publishing trends for 2024 are:

  • Quality becomes more important than ever: As artificial intelligence and other tools make it easier to produce and distribute content, readers will become more selective and demanding of quality. Authors will need to focus on editing, story structure, and other elements that make a book stand out¹.
  • Authors build their brands and communities: Authors will need to establish their online presence and engage with their fans and readers through social media, newsletters, podcasts, and other platforms. Building a loyal and supportive community will help authors increase their visibility and sales¹.
  • Promo stacking becomes the standard: Promo stacking is the strategy of using multiple book promotion services and platforms to reach a large and diverse audience. Authors will need to plan and execute effective promo stacking campaigns to boost their rankings, reviews, and revenue¹.
  • Artificial intelligence is embraced for book marketing: AI technology will offer new and innovative ways for authors to market their books, such as personalized ads, chatbots, voice assistants, and content generation. AI will also help authors analyze data and optimize their strategies³.
  • The TikTok ad market matures: TikTok will continue to be a powerful platform for book discovery and recommendation, especially for young adult, romance, and fantasy genres. However, as the ad market becomes more saturated and competitive, authors will need to be more creative and strategic in their TikTok campaigns².
  • Romance subgenres rise in popularity: Romance will remain one of the most popular and profitable genres in 2024, but with more diversity and specificity. Romantasy, or the fusion of romance and fantasy, will be a hot trend, as well as romantic comedy, speculative romance, and time travel romance².Books on a bookshelf
  • All things cozy: After the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be a higher demand for cozy and comforting books, such as cozy mysteries, cozy historical fiction, and cozy fantasy. These books will offer readers an escape from the stress and uncertainty of the real world².
  • Subscription models gain popularity: Subscription services, such as Kindle Unlimited, Scribd, and Audible, will attract more readers who want to access a large and varied catalog of books for a fixed monthly fee. Authors will need to consider the pros and cons of enrolling their books in these services, such as exclusivity, royalties, and discoverability⁴.
  • Copyright and fraud protection become more important: As the publishing industry becomes more digital and decentralized, there will be more risks of piracy, plagiarism, and fraud. Authors will need to protect their intellectual property and reputation by using tools and services that can detect and prevent these issues¹.
  • Publishing continues to see consolidation: The publishing industry will witness more mergers and acquisitions, as well as more partnerships and collaborations, among publishers, distributors, retailers, and other players. This will create more opportunities and challenges for authors, who will need to navigate the changing landscape and find the best partners for their goals⁴.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 1/11/2024
(1) The Top 10 Publishing Trends for 2024 – Written Word Media.
(2) Book Trends 2024: The 5 Top Genres, Trends, and Changes – BOOK RIOT.
(3) The New Era Of Brand Building: Why Published Books Are The Tool Of …. 
(4) Book Trends to Look for in Publishing in 2024 | Blurb Blog.


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young-man-working-on-his-macbook-pro-laptop-and-iphone-6-for a marketing campaign for his book.

Maximizing Your Book’s Visibility

A Comprehensive Guide to Effective Book Promotion Across Media Outlets and Strategies

In an era dominated by information overload, successfully promoting a book requires a strategic and multifaceted approach. Authors today have access to a diverse array of media outlets and promotional strategies, offering unprecedented opportunities to connect with readers. This document explores the best ways to promote a book, covering various media outlets and strategies that can significantly enhance your book’s visibility.

I. Understanding Your Audience

  1. Identify Your Target Audience:
    • Before diving into promotional efforts, it’s crucial to identify your target audience. Understanding their preferences, interests, and demographics will guide your promotional strategies.
  2. Create a Compelling Brand:
    • Develop a strong and consistent brand for your book. This includes a captivating book cover, a compelling author bio, and a clear message that resonates with your target audience.

II. Leveraging Traditional Media Outlets

  1. Press Releases:
    • Craft engaging press releases and distribute them to relevant media outlets. Highlight key aspects of your book, such as its uniqueness, relevance, and potential impact on readers.
  2. Print Media:
    • Reach out to newspapers and magazines for book reviews, author interviews, and feature articles. Many publications still have a wide readership and can help establish credibility for your book.
  3. Radio and Podcast Interviews:
    • Tap into the auditory senses by seeking interviews on radio shows and podcasts. Share your insights, discuss your book’s themes, and connect with potential readers.

III. Embracing Digital PlatformsSkipped (woman-wearing-an-apple-watch-and-reading-a-book-mockup-

  1. Social Media Marketing:
    • Leverage the power of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Develop a content calendar, engage with your audience, and use targeted advertising to reach specific demographics.
  2. Book Bloggers and Bookstagram:
    • Connect with influential book bloggers and Bookstagrammers who cater to your genre. Send them review copies and request features or interviews to tap into their dedicated follower base.
  3. Author Website and Blog:
    • Establish a professional author website with a blog. Regularly update it with content related to your book, writing process, and relevant industry insights. This creates a hub for your readers and enhances your online presence.

IV. Capitalizing on Online Retailers

  1. Amazon Author Central:
    • Create an Author Central account on Amazon. Optimize your author profile, add compelling book descriptions, and engage with reader reviews. Utilize Amazon ads to boost visibility.
  2. Goodreads Engagement:
    • Actively participate on Goodreads by joining relevant groups, participating in discussions, and hosting giveaways. Goodreads has a vast community of avid readers, making it an excellent platform for book promotion.

V. Paid Advertising Strategies

  1. BookBub Featured Deals:
    • Utilize BookBub’s Featured Deals to promote your book to a massive audience. While it requires a budget, the return on investment can be substantial, especially if your book is featured in the daily email to their subscribers.
  2. Facebook and Instagram Ads:
    • Craft targeted and visually appealing ads on Facebook and Instagram. Use the platforms’ robust ad targeting options to reach specific demographics, ensuring your promotions reach the most relevant audience.

VI. Building Author-Centric Platforms

  1. Podcasting and YouTube:
    • Start a podcast or YouTube channel related to your book’s genre or themes. This not only provides additional content for your audience but also establishes you as an authority in your niche.
  2. Online Courses and Webinars:
    • Develop online courses or webinars related to your book’s subject matter. This not only generates additional income but also positions you as an expert, attracting more readers to your book.


VII. Collaborations and Networking

  1. Author Collaborations:
    • Collaborate with other authors for joint promotions. This could include joint book launches, cross-promotions, or co-authoring projects that broaden your reach.
  2. Book Events and Conferences:
    • Attend and participate in book events, conferences, and literary festivals. Network with fellow authors, industry professionals, and potential readers. These events provide valuable opportunities for face-to-face engagement.

VIII. Utilizing Email Marketing

  1. Build an Email List:
    • Create a mailing list by offering incentives like free chapters, exclusive content, or discounts. Regularly communicate with your subscribers, providing updates on your writing journey and exclusive offers.
  2. Newsletter Swaps:
    • Collaborate with other authors for newsletter swaps. This mutually beneficial strategy allows you to tap into each other’s subscriber base, expanding your reach.


Effectively promoting a book in today’s competitive market requires a strategic and dynamic approach. By leveraging a combination of traditional and digital media outlets, along with targeted promotional strategies, authors can maximize their book’s visibility and connect with a diverse and engaged audience. As the publishing landscape continues to evolve, staying adaptable and innovative in your promotional efforts will be key to achieving lasting success.


  1. Book Marketing Tools (Website):
  2. Reedsy Blog (Website):
    • https://blog.reedsy.com/
    • Reedsy’s blog features articles written by industry professionals covering various aspects of writing, publishing, and book marketing.
  3. BookBub Partners (Website):
    • https://insights.bookbub.com/
    • BookBub’s partner blog provides insights and strategies on book promotion, including tips on running effective BookBub Featured Deals.
  4. The Creative Penn (Podcast and Blog):
    • https://www.thecreativepenn.com/
    • Joanna Penn’s podcast and blog cover a wide range of topics related to writing, publishing, and book marketing, offering valuable advice for authors.
  5. Jane Friedman (Website):
    • https://www.janefriedman.com/
    • Jane Friedman’s website provides resources on the business of being a writer, including articles on book promotion, author platforms, and the publishing industry.
  6. Joel Friedlander’s The Book Designer (Blog):
    • https://www.thebookdesigner.com/
    • Joel Friedlander’s blog covers book design, self-publishing, and book marketing. It offers practical tips and advice for indie authors.
  7. ALLi (Alliance of Independent Authors) (Website):
  8. Book Riot (Website):
    • https://bookriot.com/
    • Book Riot covers a wide range of book-related topics, including book recommendations and marketing tips. Their insights can be valuable for authors seeking to understand reader trends.
  9. David Gaughran’s Blog (Website):
    • https://davidgaughran.com/blog/
    • Author David Gaughran shares insights into self-publishing and book marketing on his blog, providing practical advice based on his own experiences.
  10. Author Marketing Club (Website):
    • https://authormarketingclub.com/
    • Author Marketing Club offers a variety of tools and resources to help authors promote their books, including book promotion services, tutorials, and a supportive community.

These resources cover a broad spectrum of topics related to book promotion, ranging from traditional marketing strategies to utilizing the latest digital tools. Exploring these platforms will provide you with a wealth of information to tailor your promotional efforts to your book’s specific needs and your target audience.

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Books on a bookshelf

Exploring the Evolving Landscape of Book Publishing: Current Trends and Insights

Some things to think about when writing your novel

Outer Banks Publishing Group published worksIn an age of rapidly advancing technology and changing reader preferences, the world of book publishing is undergoing a profound transformation. Traditional practices are giving way to innovative approaches, and new trends are reshaping the way authors create, publishers distribute, and readers consume content. This article delves into the most current trends in book publishing, offering insights into the dynamic landscape that is shaping the future of the industry.

1. Digital Dominance and E-books

The digital revolution has indelibly impacted the publishing industry, with e-books reigning supreme in the modern era. E-books have not only opened up new avenues for authors to self-publish but have also provided established publishing houses with a cost-effective way to reach wider audiences. This trend has been accelerated by the proliferation of e-readers, tablets, and smartphones, allowing readers to access their favorite books on-the-go. As a result, publishers are increasingly focusing on optimizing content for digital platforms, ensuring that formatting and design translate seamlessly across various devices.

2. Self-Publishing Empowerment

The rise of self-publishing has disrupted the traditional publishing model, granting authors greater autonomy and control over their work. Authors are now able to sidestep the often rigorous gatekeeping processes of traditional publishers, and instead, publish their books independently through online platforms. This trend has led to a surge in the number of books being published, spanning various genres and catering to niche audiences. While self-publishing offers authors unprecedented creative freedom, it also necessitates a more entrepreneurial approach, as authors are responsible for marketing, distribution, and overall book visibility.

3. Diversity and Inclusion

The publishing industry is making concerted efforts to champion diversity and inclusion in both the stories being told and the voices telling them. Readers are increasingly seeking stories that reflect a range of experiences, cultures, and backgrounds. Publishers are responding by actively seeking out underrepresented authors and narratives, thereby enriching the literary landscape. Sensitivity readers and increased awareness of cultural authenticity are becoming standard practices, ensuring that stories are respectful and accurate in their portrayals.

4. Sustainable Publishing Practices

Environmental concerns have permeated every industry, and publishing is no exception. Publishers are adopting eco-friendly practices, from using recycled materials for physical books to reducing carbon footprints in the production and distribution processes. Additionally, the concept of “slow books,” akin to the slow food movement, is gaining ground. This entails focusing on producing high-quality, lasting content, as opposed to rushing to meet market demands with disposable literature.

5. Innovative Marketing and Discoverability

Book discovery in a sea of digital content has become a major challenge. As a result, creative marketing strategies are essential for capturing readers’ attention. Social media, book influencers, and online book clubs play a pivotal role in generating buzz around new releases. Data analytics and AI-driven insights are also being utilized to target potential readers more effectively and tailor marketing campaigns to their preferences.

6. Serialized Content and Bite-sized Literature

In an era of diminishing attention spans, the popularity of serialized content and shorter-form literature is on the rise. Platforms like Wattpad and Radish have gained traction by offering stories in bite-sized installments that cater to readers looking for quick entertainment. This trend is prompting authors and publishers to explore new ways of storytelling, experimenting with episodic narratives and concise yet impactful prose.

7. Audio Renaissance

Audiobooks are experiencing a renaissance, with their popularity surging among busy readers who can now consume books while commuting, exercising, or multitasking. The convenience of audiobooks has led to a significant increase in their production, with publishers investing in high-quality narrators and immersive soundscapes. Additionally, podcasts centered around books and literary discussions are further engaging the literary community and enhancing the audio experience.

8. Hybrid Publishing Models

Publishing models are becoming increasingly hybrid, blending traditional publishing with self-publishing elements. Some authors choose to self-publish certain works while pursuing traditional publishing routes for others. This approach allows authors to leverage the advantages of both worlds, maintaining creative control over some projects while benefiting from the resources and distribution networks of established publishers for others.

9. Artificial Intelligence and Writing Assistance

Artificial Intelligence is making its presence felt in the writing process. AI-driven tools assist authors in various stages of writing, from generating plot ideas to offering grammatical suggestions. While these tools are not meant to replace human creativity, they do offer valuable support to authors, helping them streamline their work and enhance its quality.

10. Blockchain Technology in Publishing

Blockchain technology is gradually seeping into the publishing industry, primarily in the realm of copyright management and royalty tracking. Blockchain’s decentralized and immutable nature provides a secure and transparent way to manage intellectual property rights and ensure that authors receive fair compensation for their work, even as it gets shared, adapted, and sold across different platforms.

In conclusion, the world of book publishing is in a state of flux, with innovative trends reshaping every aspect of the industry. From the dominance of digital content and the empowerment of self-publishing to the emphasis on diversity, sustainability, and serialized narratives, the landscape is evolving to cater to modern readers’ preferences and behaviors. As authors, publishers, and readers continue to adapt, the future promises a literary world that embraces technology while staying true to the timeless art of storytelling.

The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.


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Civil war cannon during a sunset

Just Published – Battlegrounds – Book 1 of 4 of the Matari Series

Our newest title just published

Save $6 if you order from our bookstore

Also available on Amazon in Kindle and print versions

Battlegrounds - Book 1 of 4 of the Matari Series


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Author Paul Gonnella

Former coach reveals rip-off scheme in college and semi-pro sports

We interviewed Paul Gonnella, fondly referred to as Coach G, regarding his new book, PAID,  about the scheme that has ripped off thousands of college football and men’s basketball players for years.

PAID  is available on Amazon and the Kindle and in fine bookstores everywhere.

1. What inspired you to write PAID?

After abruptly resigning and retiring from college football in 2020, after almost 2 decades of service, I felt it was my duty, to be honest, to watch out for those who have no power or voice.

Paul Gonnella's book, PAID

PAID by Paul Gonnella

2. What are the most important, relevant issue(s)?

The most important relevant issues are:

  • The state and federal laws are designed by nature to take away the rights of the players.
  • No oversight or accountability for the NCAA, D1A college conferences, college presidents/athletic directors & coaches.
  • The players not being allowed to unionize.
  • The unfair, competitive advantage the big school has.


3. What and how do you think will change with the publication of PAID?

I am hoping it starts a conversation that eventually will lead to change at the foundational level of revenue-making sports.

4. How will sports change as we know it if there are changes?

The sports of FBS college football/men’s basketball will be a better product for public consumption.  Not much else will change in terms of the game.  The changes I suggest in the book will dissolve the system of the mess it is in right now.

5. Are you thinking about writing a sequel to PAID or a second book?

I have not determined if I will write another book as of yet. 

6. Is there anything you would like to add to this interview?

The only way change will occur is if the past players, current players, future players, all their family and friends, and the fans join together to create change.  This movement will take a village to create change due to the amount of money and power the schemers have.


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We are with Ukraine

We Stand with Ukraine

We Stand with Ukraine

Click here to download a “We Are With Ukraine” image to put in your window or post online.
And then dig deep to donate whatever you can directly to World Central Kitchen, which is serving fresh meals to people forced to flee the invasion, inside Ukraine and in neighboring countries.

Want to help?

Read the story about people booking Airbnb homes and rooms in Kiev, but don’t plan to go there. The funds go to Ukrainian Airbnb hosts and are used for the bombed-out residents for food, medicine and other essentials.

Stories about the Ukraine

See the video on bombed residential areas in Ukraine that have no military significance.
CNN, March 6, 2022

1. “Attack on Ukraine brings rare sight in Russia: Protests in cities against Putin and invasion,” The Washington Post, February 24, 2022
2. “European Parliament Backs Ukraine’s EU Application, But Long Road Ahead,” Newsweek, March 1, 2022
3. “As over 100,000 rally for Ukraine, Germany announces vast defense spending increase that may upend European security policy,” The Washington Post, February 27, 2022
4. “Munich Philharmonic drops star conductor Valery Gergiev over Putin ties,” DW Akademie, March 1, 2022
5. “EU says expects millions of displaced Ukrainians,” Reuters, February 27, 2022
6. “Ukraine’s Kharkiv struck by cluster bombs, experts say,” Reuters, March 1, 2022
7. “What are cluster and vacuum weapons, and how has Russia used them in the past?,” The Washington Post, March 2, 2022
8. “Russian Troop Deaths Expose a Potential Weakness of Putin’s Strategy,” The New York Times, March 2, 2022
The Publisher

Annette Creswell wins Literary Titan Book Award

Outer Banks Publishing Group author Annette Creswell was recently awarded the Literary Titan Book Award for her novel, The Lodgers. Here is the email from the organization.

Author Annette Creswell

Author Annette Creswell

We are proud to present you with our Literary Titan Book Award. Your book was recently reviewed through our Book Review Service, with that service your book is entered into our Literary Book Award competition. Your book deserves extraordinary praise and we are proud to acknowledge your hard work, dedication, and writing talent. Start telling the world that you’re an award winning author, because we will be!


The Literary Titan Book Awards are awarded to books that have astounded and amazed us with unique writing styles, vivid worlds, complex characters, and original ideas. These books deserve extraordinary praise and we are proud to acknowledge the hard work, dedication, and imagination of these talented authors.

Literary Titan Silver Book Award

About Literary Titan

The Literary Titan is an organization of professional editors, writers, and professors that have a passion for the written word. We review fiction and non-fiction books in many different genres, as well as conduct author interviews, and recognize talented authors with our Literary Book Award. We are privileged to work with so many creative authors around the globe.

See the Posting Here banner

Annette Creswell is also the author of The Dark Before the Dawn.

The Publisher
Koos Verkaik with his newest novel, Jester

Author Koos Verkaik is fascinated with Teutonic mythology because…

“It is about the origin of everything – rituals, habits, sagas, stories; where does it all come from, how did it start? I live on the old ground here in The Netherlands, the Germanic tribes were here, the Celts, the Romans.”

Read the fascinating and inspiring interview with Koos and how his urban fantasy books relate to modern times.

By William Robinson

Koos Verkaik may be one of the most prolific writers you’ve never heard of. A citizen of the Netherlands, he has been published in one format or another, starting with his comic strip, Scotty Clay at the age of sixteen. His latest work explores a topic that has crossed many a mind, especially recently, what if corporations truly took over the world. I was given the opportunity to conduct an interview via email with Mr. Verkaik, and because it is all written word, this interview captures his unique style.

Looking at the novels that are available on Amazon you have written, I have noticed a couple of ongoing themes. And I am curious why the jester is such an important symbol for you?

As a kid, I was confronted with the stories of a mythic figure in The Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany; Tijl Uilenspiegel. A fantastic medieval jester. The figure intrigued me, scared me, and inspired me.

A (court) jester can say and do as he pleases without getting punished.

When I write novels, I feel like a jester myself – I can tell what I want. You can read my books as pure entertainment – magic, mystery, and adventure – but when you are able to read between the lines, you will also understand my opinion about life, about the Big Questions.

In a recent essay about me, historian Max Moragie wrote:

“Anyone who has read or reread a novel by Koos Verkaik (I am now re-reading it for the second time) has enjoyed a story that continues to fascinate and surprise, even if you know the outcome, but is also encouraged to muse about the essence of existence. A pulp writer doesn’t make you think like that, sometimes a literary author, but apparently a Verkaik always does.”

Koos Verkaik's Urban Fantasy novelsWhat fascinates you so much about Teutonic mythology that you incorporated it into several of your urban fantasy novels?

It is about the origin of everything – rituals, habits, sagas, stories; where does it all come from, how did it start? I live on the old ground here in The Netherlands, the Germanic tribes were here, the Celts, the Romans.

In my novel All-Father, I write about Wodan (Odin) riding the skies with his Army of the Dead. Men covered their faces with soot and got themselves into a trance; that way they joined the Army of the Dead and followed Wodan.

These men also roamed the villages and had ‘the right to steal’; they went into the houses and took things away, like a piece of bread, some fruit, or some beer – this was the origin of the jester! The man with the fool’s cap and the bells who can go as he pleases.

It is our entire history that fascinates me.

In my novels, I write a lot about our past, but also about our future. Like in my novel Nicolaes Nimbus:

“Scientists and wealthy owners of high-tech companies have pumped millions of dollars into the search for immortality. But does the future look bright or is there disaster waiting behind the horizon of time? The world is getting more complicated by the day, but who’s actually in charge?

A group of scientists in Germany has unmasked a cheating visionary. An intriguing phenomenon from the past turns up. Who is Nicolaes Nimbus? Is he an immortal man of flesh and blood from our ancient past? The hunt is on! The secret is priceless! Who is in control, the scientists or the mystic? The novel embraces modern developments… and warns against ancient magic that never dies, waiting for the right time to manifest itself.”

Read the rest here>


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Seeking Samuel Novel on the beach

Celebrate Labor Day with a book and a beer at the beach

Father's Day campaign

Get one our best-selling books in many popular genres and get some BBB – a book, a beer, and the beach

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The Lodgers Audio book

Hear an excerpt from the novel, The Lodgers

When Mabel, a former Vaudeville performer, lands a job managing a boarding house on the ocean, she appears to attract a disparate cast of lodgers, all with unfortunate and dark lives.

When Therese moves to the Outback to get married, Judy follows and one day Judy spots a Kookaburra in a nearby tree. When the bird laughs, an unexpected, wondrous miracle happens.

The lodgers include:

  • Two queens, old thespian friends of Mabel’s who live in the basement with a peppercorn rent.
  • Therese, a pregnant Irish girl banished to England by her mother who assumes she is in an unmarried mothers’ home in the care of the nuns.
  • Irene, a recovering alcoholic who has a sister Judy who, due to a trauma experienced during the war is unable to speak.
  • Arthur, an aged army major, had a son Ned who was shot for desertion.
  • Harry, alias Percy, a con man and felon who befriends the landlady, Mabel.


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